Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Electronic Accelerated & Simplified Tasks (EFAST)


FAA eFAST is a Master Ordering Agreement (MOA) formerly known as “Electronic FAA Accelerated and Simplified Tasks” and is available for use by the Federal Aviation Administration. The MOA, which functions as a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA), provides for a broad range of comprehensive professional and support services. This vehicle’s period of performance lasts through September 30, 2019 with an additional five-year option period. The eFAST vehicle supports technical, engineering, and scientific expertise, advice, analysis, studies, or reports; Professional, management, and administrative expertise, advice, analysis, studies, or reports; Advisory and assistance services provided under contract by nongovernmental sources to support or improve agency policy development, decision-making, management, and administration, or to support or improve the operation of managerial or hardware systems as well as major systems support in the following areas: Analysis of agency missions; Determination of mission needs; Setting of program objectives; Determination of system requirements; System program planning; Budgeting; Funding; Research; Engineering; Development; Testing and evaluation; Contracting; Production; Program and management control; and Introduction of the system into use or otherwise successful achievement of program objectives.

For more information on this vehicle please contact us.